Source code for tweakwcs.correctors

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module provides support for manipulating tangent-plane corrections
of ``WCS``.

:Authors: Mihai Cara

:License: :doc:`LICENSE`

import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import numpy as np
import gwcs
from gwcs.geometry import CartesianToSpherical, SphericalToCartesian
from astropy.modeling import CompoundModel
from astropy.modeling.models import (
    AffineTransformation2D, Scale, Identity, Mapping, Const1D,
from astropy.utils.decorators import deprecated

from .linalg import inv
from . import __version__  # noqa: F401

__author__ = 'Mihai Cara'

__all__ = ['WCSCorrector', 'JWSTWCSCorrector', 'FITSWCSCorrector']

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_RAD2ARCSEC = 3600.0 * np.rad2deg(1.0)

def _tp2tp(tpwcs1, tpwcs2, s=None):
    x = np.array([-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.0], dtype=np.double)
    y = np.array([-0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.0], dtype=np.double)

    if s is None:
        if 'fit_info' in tpwcs1.meta and 'center' in tpwcs1.meta['fit_info']:
            cx, cy = tpwcs1.meta['fit_info']['center']
            s = tpwcs1.tanp_pixel_scale(cx, cy)
            if tpwcs2.wcs.pixel_bounds is None:
                # TODO: A possible improvement would be to get an estimate
                #       of "center" (where scale is estimated) from source
                #       positions (if any).
                xt, yt = tpwcs1.world_to_tanp(*tpwcs2.det_to_world(x, y))
                cx, cy = np.mean(tpwcs2.wcs.pixel_bounds, axis=1)
                xt, yt = tpwcs1.world_to_tanp(
                    *tpwcs2.det_to_world(cx + x, cy + y)
            m = np.array([(xt[1:-1] - xt[0]), (yt[1:-1] - yt[0])])
            s = np.sqrt(np.fabs(np.linalg.det(m)))

    xrp, yrp = tpwcs2.world_to_tanp(*tpwcs1.tanp_to_world(x * s, y * s))

    xrp = np.array(xrp, np.longdouble)
    yrp = np.array(yrp, np.longdouble)

    matrix = np.array([(xrp[1:-1] - xrp[0]), (yrp[1:-1] - yrp[0])]) / s
    shift = np.array([xrp[-1], yrp[-1]])

    return matrix, shift

[docs] class WCSCorrector(ABC): """ A class that provides common interface for manipulating WCS information and for managing tangent-plane corrections. """ units = None def __init__(self, wcs, meta=None): """ Parameters ---------- wcs: ``WCS object`` A `WCS` object supported by a child class. meta: dict, None, optional Dictionary that will be merged to the object's ``meta`` fields. """ self._owcs = wcs self._wcs = deepcopy(wcs) self._meta = {} if meta is None else dict(meta) @property def wcs(self): """ Get current WCS object. """ return self._wcs @property def original_wcs(self): """ Get original WCS object. """ return self._owcs
[docs] def copy(self): """ Returns a deep copy of this object. """ return deepcopy(self)
[docs] @abstractmethod def set_correction(self, matrix=[[1, 0], [0, 1]], shift=[0, 0], ref_tpwcs=None, meta=None, **kwargs): """ Sets a tangent-plane correction of the WCS object according to the provided liniar parameters. In addition, this function updates the ``meta`` attribute of the `WCSCorrector`-derived object with the values of keyword arguments except for the argument ``meta`` which is *merged* with the *attribute* ``meta``. Parameters ---------- matrix: list, numpy.ndarray, optional A ``2x2`` array or list of lists coefficients representing scale, rotation, and/or skew transformations. shift: list, numpy.ndarray, optional A list of two coordinate shifts to be applied to coordinates *after* ``matrix`` transformations are applied. ref_tpwcs: WCSCorrector, None, optional A reference WCS of the type ``WCSCorrector`` that provides the tangent plane in which corrections (``matrix`` and ``shift``) were defined. When not provided (i.e., set to `None`), it is assumed that the transformations are being applied directly to *this* image WCS' tangent plane. meta: dict, None, optional Dictionary that will be merged to the object's ``meta`` fields. **kwargs: optional parameters Optional parameters for the WCS corrector. """ # save linear transformation info to the meta attribute: self._meta['matrix'] = np.array(matrix, dtype=np.double) self._meta['shift'] = shift if meta is not None: self._meta.update(meta)
[docs] @abstractmethod def det_to_world(self, x, y): """ Convert pixel coordinates to sky coordinates using full (i.e., including distortions) transformations. """ ra, dec = x, y return ra, dec
[docs] @abstractmethod def world_to_det(self, ra, dec): """ Convert sky coordinates to image's pixel coordinates using full (i.e., including distortions) transformations. """ x, y = ra, dec return x, y
[docs] @abstractmethod def det_to_tanp(self, x, y): """ Convert detector (pixel) coordinates to tangent plane coordinates. """ return x, y
[docs] @abstractmethod def tanp_to_det(self, x, y): """ Convert tangent plane coordinates to detector (pixel) coordinates. """ return x, y
[docs] @abstractmethod def world_to_tanp(self, ra, dec): """ Convert tangent plane coordinates to detector (pixel) coordinates. """ x, y = ra, dec return x, y
[docs] @abstractmethod def tanp_to_world(self, x, y): """ Convert tangent plane coordinates to world coordinates. """ ra, dec = x, y return ra, dec
[docs] def tanp_pixel_scale(self, x, y): """ Estimate pixel scale in the tangent plane near a location in the detector's coordinate system given by parameters ``x`` and ``y``. Parameters ---------- x: int, float X-coordinate of the pixel in the detector's coordinate system near which pixel scale in the tangent plane needs to be estimated. y: int, float Y-coordinate of the pixel in the detector's coordinate system near which pixel scale in the tangent plane needs to be estimated. Returns ------- pscale: float Pixel scale [in units used in the tangent plane coordinate system] in the tangent plane near a location specified by detector coordinates ``x`` and ``y``. """ xs = np.asarray([x - 0.5, x - 0.5, x + 0.5, x + 0.5]) ys = np.asarray([y - 0.5, y + 0.5, y + 0.5, y - 0.5]) xt, yt = self.det_to_tanp(xs, ys) area = 0.5 * np.abs( xt[0] * yt[1] + xt[1] * yt[2] + xt[2] * yt[3] + xt[3] * yt[0] - xt[1] * yt[0] - xt[2] * yt[1] - xt[3] * yt[2] - xt[0] * yt[3] ) pscale = float(np.sqrt(area)) return pscale
@property def tanp_center_pixel_scale(self): """ Estimate pixel scale in the tangent plane near a location in the detector's coordinate system corresponding to the origin of the tangent plane. Returns ------- pscale: float Pixel scale [in units used in the tangent plane coordinate system] in the tangent plane near a location in the detector's plane corresponding to the origin of the tangent plane. """ pscale = self._get_tanp_center_pixel_scale() return pscale def _get_tanp_center_pixel_scale(self): x, y = self.tanp_to_det(0.0, 0.0) pscale = self.tanp_pixel_scale(x, y) return pscale @property def meta(self): return self._meta @property def bounding_box(self): """ Get the bounding box (if any) of the underlying image for which the original WCS is defined. """ return None
[docs] class FITSWCSCorrector(WCSCorrector): """ A class for holding ``FITS`` ``WCS`` information and for managing tangent-plane corrections. The units of the tangent plane of this corrector are same as detector coordinates. .. note:: Currently only WCS objects that have ``CPDIS``, ``DET2IM``, and ``SIP`` distortions *before* the application of the ``CD`` or ``PC`` matrix are supported. """ units = 'pixel' def __init__(self, wcs, meta=None): """ Parameters ---------- wcs: astropy.wcs.WCS An `astropy.wcs.WCS` object. """ valid, message = self._check_wcs_structure(wcs) if not valid: raise ValueError("Unsupported WCS structure: " + message) super().__init__(wcs=wcs, meta=meta) wcslin = wcs.deepcopy() # strip all *known* distortions: wcslin.cpdis1 = None wcslin.cpdis2 = None wcslin.det2im1 = None wcslin.det2im2 = None wcslin.sip = None wcslin.wcs.set() self._wcslin = wcslin def _check_wcs_structure(self, wcs): """ Attempt detecting unknown distortion corrections. We basically want to make sure that we can turn off all distortions that are happening between detector's plane and the intermediate coordinate plane. This is necessary until we can find a better way of getting from intermediate coordinates to world coordinates. """ if wcs is None: return False, "WCS cannot be None." if not wcs.is_celestial: return False, "WCS must be exclusively a celestial WCS." wcs = wcs.deepcopy() naxis1, naxis2 = wcs.pixel_shape # check mapping of corners and CRPIX: pts = np.array([[1.0, 1.0], [1.0, naxis2], [naxis1, 1.0], [naxis1, naxis2], wcs.wcs.crpix]) sky_all = wcs.all_pix2world(pts, 1) foc_all = wcs.pix2foc(pts, 1) # strip all *known* distortions: wcs.cpdis1 = None wcs.cpdis2 = None wcs.det2im1 = None wcs.det2im2 = None wcs.sip = None # check that pix2foc includes no other distortions besides the ones # that we have turned off above: if not np.allclose(pts, wcs.pix2foc(pts, 1)): False, "'pix2foc' contains unknown distortions" wcs.wcs.set() # check that pix2foc contains all known distortions: if not np.allclose(wcs.all_world2pix(sky_all, 1), foc_all, atol=1e-3, rtol=0): return False, "'WCS.pix2foc()' does not include all distortions." return True, '' def _get_tanp_center_pixel_scale(self): pscale = self.tanp_pixel_scale(*self._wcs.wcs.crpix) return pscale
[docs] def set_correction(self, matrix=[[1, 0], [0, 1]], shift=[0, 0], ref_tpwcs=None, meta=None, **kwargs): """ Computes a corrected (aligned) wcs based on the provided linear transformation. In addition, this function updates the ``meta`` attribute of the `FITSWCSCorrector` object with the the values of keyword arguments except for the argument ``meta`` which is *merged* with the *attribute* ``meta``. Parameters ---------- matrix: list, numpy.ndarray A ``2x2`` array or list of lists coefficients representing scale, rotation, and/or skew transformations. shift: list, numpy.ndarray A list of two coordinate shifts to be applied to coordinates *after* ``matrix`` transformations are applied. ref_tpwcs: WCSCorrector, None, optional A reference WCS of the type ``WCSCorrector`` that provides the tangent plane in which corrections (``matrix`` and ``shift``) were defined. When not provided (i.e., set to `None`), it is assumed that the transformations are being applied directly to *this* image WCS' tangent plane. meta: dict, None, optional Dictionary that will be merged to the object's ``meta`` fields. **kwargs: optional parameters Optional parameters for the WCS corrector. `FITSWCSCorrector` ignores these arguments (except for storing them in the ``meta`` attribute). """ wcs = self._wcs orig_wcs = wcs.deepcopy() if ref_tpwcs is None: ref_tpwcs = FITSWCSCorrector(wcs.deepcopy()) naxis1, naxis2 = wcs.pixel_shape shift =, shift) # estimate step for numerical differentiation. We need a step # large enough to avoid rounding errors and small enough to get a # better precision for numerical differentiation. # TODO: The logic below should be revised at a later time so that it # better takes into account the two competing requirements. hx = max(1.0, min(10, (wcs.wcs.crpix[0] - 1.0) / 100.0, (naxis1 - wcs.wcs.crpix[0]) / 100.0)) hy = max(1.0, min(10, (wcs.wcs.crpix[1] - 1.0) / 100.0, (naxis2 - wcs.wcs.crpix[1]) / 100.0)) # compute new CRVAL for the image WCS: crpix2d = np.atleast_2d(wcs.wcs.crpix) crval = wcs.wcs_pix2world(crpix2d, 1).ravel() crpixinref = ref_tpwcs.world_to_tanp(*crval) crpixinref = np.subtract(crpixinref, shift), np.transpose(matrix) ).astype(np.double) wcs.wcs.crval = ref_tpwcs.tanp_to_world(crpixinref[0], crpixinref[1]) wcs.wcs.set() # initial approximation for CD matrix of the image WCS: (U, u) = self._linearize(orig_wcs, ref_tpwcs, wcs.wcs.crpix, matrix, shift, hx=hx, hy=hy) if hasattr(wcs.wcs, 'pc'): wcs.wcs.pc =, U).astype(np.double) else: =, U).astype(np.double) wcs.wcs.set() # save linear transformation info to the meta attribute: super().set_correction(matrix=matrix, shift=shift, meta=meta, **kwargs)
[docs] def det_to_world(self, x, y): """ Convert pixel coordinates to sky coordinates using full (i.e., including distortions) transformations. """ ra, dec = self._wcs.all_pix2world(x, y, 0) return ra, dec
[docs] def world_to_det(self, ra, dec): """ Convert sky coordinates to image's pixel coordinates using full (i.e., including distortions) transformations. """ x, y = self._wcs.all_world2pix(ra, dec, 0, tolerance=1e-6, maxiter=50) return x, y
[docs] def det_to_tanp(self, x, y): """ Convert detector (pixel) coordinates to tangent plane coordinates. """ x, y = self._wcs.pix2foc(x, y, 0) return x, y
[docs] def tanp_to_det(self, x, y): """ Convert tangent plane coordinates to detector (pixel) coordinates. """ ndim = np.ndim(x) ra, dec = self._wcs.wcs_pix2world(x, y, 0) if not ndim: # deal with a bug/feature in stwcs' all_world2pix v.1.5.3 ra = np.atleast_1d(ra) dec = np.atleast_1d(dec) x, y = self._wcs.all_world2pix(ra, dec, 0, tolerance=1e-6, maxiter=50) if not ndim and np.size(x) == 1: # convert to scalars: x = float(x[0]) y = float(y[0]) return x, y
[docs] def world_to_tanp(self, ra, dec): """ Convert tangent plane coordinates to detector (pixel) coordinates. """ x, y = self._wcs.wcs_world2pix(ra, dec, 0) return x, y
[docs] def tanp_to_world(self, x, y): """ Convert tangent plane coordinates to world coordinates. """ ra, dec = self._wcs.wcs_pix2world(x, y, 0) return ra, dec
@property def bounding_box(self): """ Get the bounding box (if any) of the underlying image for which the original WCS is defined. """ if self._owcs.pixel_bounds is None: if self._owcs.pixel_shape is not None: nx, ny = self._owcs.pixel_shape elif self._owcs.array_shape is not None: ny, nx = self._owcs.array_shape else: return None return ((-0.5, nx - 0.5), (-0.5, ny - 0.5)) else: return self._owcs.pixel_bounds def _linearize(self, wcsima, ref_tpwcs, imcrpix, f, shift, hx=1.0, hy=1.0): """ linearization using 5-point formula for first order derivative. """ x0 = imcrpix[0] - 1 y0 = imcrpix[1] - 1 px = np.asarray([x0, x0 - hx, x0 - hx * 0.5, x0 + hx * 0.5, x0 + hx, x0, x0, x0, x0], dtype=np.double) py = np.asarray([y0, y0, y0, y0, y0, y0 - hy, y0 - hy * 0.5, y0 + hy * 0.5, y0 + hy], dtype=np.double) # convert image coordinates to reference image coordinates: ra, dec = wcsima.wcs_pix2world(px, py, 0) px, py = np.array(ref_tpwcs.world_to_tanp(ra, dec)) # apply linear fit transformation: px, py =, [px - shift[0], py - shift[1]]).astype(np.double) # convert back to image coordinate system: p = np.array( self.wcs.wcs_world2pix(*ref_tpwcs.tanp_to_world(px, py), 0), dtype=np.longdouble ).T # derivative with regard to x: u1 = ((p[1] - p[4]) + 8 * (p[3] - p[2])) / (6 * hx) # derivative with regard to y: u2 = ((p[5] - p[8]) + 8 * (p[7] - p[6])) / (6 * hy) return (np.asarray([u1, u2]).T, p[0])
def _get_submodel(model, name): """ Return the first occurence of a sub-model. Search is performed by model name. """ if not isinstance(model, CompoundModel): return model if == name else None for m in model.traverse_postorder(): if == name: return m return None
[docs] class JWSTWCSCorrector(WCSCorrector): """ A class for holding ``JWST`` ``gWCS`` information and for managing tangent-plane corrections. The units of the tangent plane of this corrector are ``arcsec`` and the axes are not along parallel to the axes of the detector's coordinate system. """ units = 'arcsec' def __init__(self, wcs, wcsinfo, meta=None): """ Parameters ---------- wcs: GWCS A `GWCS` object. wcsinfo: dict A dictionary containing reference angles of ``JWST`` instrument provided in the ``wcsinfo`` property of ``JWST`` meta data. This dictionary **must contain** the following keys and values: 'v2_ref': float V2 position of the reference point in arc seconds. 'v3_ref': float V3 position of the reference point in arc seconds. 'roll_ref': float Roll angle in degrees. meta: dict, None, optional Dictionary that will be merged to the object's ``meta`` fields. """ valid, message = self._check_wcs_structure(wcs) if not valid: raise ValueError("Unsupported WCS structure: {}".format(message)) super().__init__(wcs=wcs, meta=meta) v2_ref = wcsinfo['v2_ref'] v3_ref = wcsinfo['v3_ref'] roll_ref = wcsinfo['roll_ref'] self._wcsinfo = {'v2_ref': v2_ref, 'v3_ref': v3_ref, 'roll_ref': roll_ref} # perform additional check that if tangent plane correction is already # present in the WCS pipeline, it is of TPCorr class and that # its parameters are consistent with reference angles: frms = wcs.available_frames if 'v2v3corr' in frms: self._v23name = 'v2v3corr' self._tpcorr = deepcopy( wcs.pipeline[frms.index('v2v3corr') - 1].transform ) self._default_tpcorr = None if not JWSTWCSCorrector._check_tpcorr_structure(self._tpcorr): raise ValueError("Unsupported tangent-plance correction type.") # check that transformation parameters are consistent with # reference angles: v2ref, v3ref, roll = self._tpcorr['det_to_optic_axis'].angles.value eps_v2 = 10.0 * np.finfo(v2_ref).eps eps_v3 = 10.0 * np.finfo(v3_ref).eps eps_roll = 10.0 * np.finfo(roll_ref).eps if not (np.isclose(v2_ref, v2ref * 3600.0, rtol=eps_v2) and np.isclose(v3_ref, -v3ref * 3600.0, rtol=eps_v3) and np.isclose(roll_ref, roll, rtol=eps_roll)): raise ValueError( "WCS/TPCorr parameters 'v2ref', 'v3ref', and/or 'roll' " "differ from the corresponding reference values." ) self._partial_tpcorr = JWSTWCSCorrector._v2v3_to_tpcorr_from_full( self._tpcorr ) else: self._v23name = 'v2v3vacorr' if 'v2v3vacorr' in frms else 'v2v3' self._tpcorr = None self._default_tpcorr = JWSTWCSCorrector._tpcorr_init( v2_ref=v2_ref / 3600.0, v3_ref=v3_ref / 3600.0, roll_ref=roll_ref ) self._partial_tpcorr = JWSTWCSCorrector._v2v3_to_tpcorr_from_full( self._default_tpcorr ) self._update_transformations() @staticmethod def _check_tpcorr_structure(tpcorr): # implement a more sophisticated check later if != 'JWST tangent-plane linear correction. v1': return False return True def _update_transformations(self): # define transformations from detector/world coordinates to # the tangent plane: detname = self._wcs.pipeline[0] worldname = self._wcs.pipeline[-1] # Generally needed transformations: self._world_to_v23 = self._wcs.get_transform(worldname, self._v23name) self._v23_to_world = self._wcs.get_transform(self._v23name, worldname) self._det_to_v23 = self._wcs.get_transform(detname, self._v23name) self._det_to_world = self._wcs.__call__ # Optional / convenience transformations: try: self._v23_to_det = self._wcs.get_transform(self._v23name, detname) except NotImplementedError: self._v23_to_det = None try: self._world_to_det = self._wcs.invert except NotImplementedError: self._world_to_det = None @staticmethod def _tpcorr_combine_affines(tpcorr, matrix, shift): AffineTransformation2D(matrix, shift) # check input parameters are OK m =, tpcorr['tp_affine'].matrix.value) t =, tpcorr['tp_affine'].translation.value) + shift tpcorr['tp_affine'].matrix = m tpcorr['tp_affine'].translation = t # update the affine transformation of the inverse model as well: invm = np.linalg.inv(m) tpcorr.inverse['tp_affine_inv'].matrix = invm tpcorr.inverse['tp_affine_inv'].translation =, t) @staticmethod def _tpcorr_init(v2_ref, v3_ref, roll_ref): s2c = SphericalToCartesian(name='s2c', wrap_lon_at=180) c2s = CartesianToSpherical(name='c2s', wrap_lon_at=180) unit_conv = Scale(1.0 / 3600.0, name='arcsec_to_deg_1D') unit_conv = unit_conv & unit_conv = 'arcsec_to_deg_2D' unit_conv_inv = Scale(3600.0, name='deg_to_arcsec_1D') unit_conv_inv = unit_conv_inv & unit_conv_inv = 'deg_to_arcsec_2D' affine = AffineTransformation2D(name='tp_affine') affine_inv = AffineTransformation2D(name='tp_affine_inv') rot = RotationSequence3D( [v2_ref, -v3_ref, roll_ref], 'zyx', name='det_to_optic_axis' ) rot_inv = rot.inverse = 'optic_axis_to_det' # projection submodels: c2tan = ((Mapping((0, 1, 2), name='xyz') / Mapping((0, 0, 0), n_inputs=3, name='xxx')) | Mapping((1, 2), name='xtyt')) = 'Cartesian 3D to TAN' tan2c = (Mapping((0, 0, 1), n_inputs=2, name='xtyt2xyz') | (Const1D(1, name='one') & Identity(2, name='I(2D)'))) = 'TAN to cartesian 3D' total_corr = ( unit_conv | s2c | rot | c2tan | affine | tan2c | rot_inv | c2s | unit_conv_inv ) = 'JWST tangent-plane linear correction. v1' inv_total_corr = ( unit_conv | s2c | rot | c2tan | affine_inv | tan2c | rot_inv | c2s | unit_conv_inv ) = 'Inverse JWST tangent-plane linear correction. v1' # TODO # re-enable circular inverse definitions once # or # are resolved. # # inv_total_corr.inverse = total_corr total_corr.inverse = inv_total_corr return total_corr @staticmethod def _v2v3_to_tpcorr_from_full(tpcorr): s2c = tpcorr['s2c'] c2s = tpcorr['c2s'] # unit_conv = _get_submodel(tpcorr, 'arcsec_to_deg_2D') # unit_conv_inv = _get_submodel(tpcorr, 'deg_to_arcsec_2D') # # The code below is a work-around to the code above not working. # TODO: understand why _get_submodel is unable to retrieve # some submodels in a compound model. # unit_conv = _get_submodel(tpcorr, 'arcsec_to_deg_1D') unit_conv = unit_conv & unit_conv = 'arcsec_to_deg_2D' unit_conv_inv = _get_submodel(tpcorr, 'deg_to_arcsec_1D') unit_conv_inv = unit_conv_inv & unit_conv_inv = 'deg_to_arcsec_2D' affine = tpcorr['tp_affine'] affine_inv = affine.inverse = 'tp_affine_inv' rot = tpcorr['det_to_optic_axis'] rot_inv = rot.inverse = 'optic_axis_to_det' # c2tan = _get_submodel(tpcorr, 'Cartesian 3D to TAN') # tan2c = _get_submodel(tpcorr, 'TAN to cartesian 3D') # # The code below is a work-around to the code above not working. # TODO: understand why _get_submodel is unable to retrieve # some submodels in a compound model. # c2tan = ((Mapping((0, 1, 2), name='xyz') / Mapping((0, 0, 0), n_inputs=3, name='xxx')) | Mapping((1, 2), name='xtyt')) = 'Cartesian 3D to TAN' tan2c = (Mapping((0, 0, 1), n_inputs=2, name='xtyt2xyz') | (Const1D(1, name='one') & Identity(2, name='I(2D)'))) = 'TAN to cartesian 3D' v2v3_to_tpcorr = unit_conv | s2c | rot | c2tan | affine = 'jwst_v2v3_to_tpcorr' tpcorr_to_v2v3 = affine_inv | tan2c | rot_inv | c2s | unit_conv_inv = 'jwst_tpcorr_to_v2v3' v2v3_to_tpcorr.inverse = tpcorr_to_v2v3 tpcorr_to_v2v3.inverse = v2v3_to_tpcorr return v2v3_to_tpcorr @property def ref_angles(self): """ Return a ``wcsinfo``-like dictionary of main WCS parameters. """ return {k: v for k, v in self._wcsinfo.items()}
[docs] def set_correction(self, matrix=[[1, 0], [0, 1]], shift=[0, 0], ref_tpwcs=None, meta=None, **kwargs): """ Sets a tangent-plane correction of the GWCS object according to the provided liniar parameters. In addition, this function updates the ``meta`` attribute of the `JWSTWCSCorrector` object with the values of keyword arguments except for the argument ``meta`` which is *merged* with the *attribute* ``meta``. Parameters ---------- matrix: list, numpy.ndarray A ``2x2`` array or list of lists coefficients representing scale, rotation, and/or skew transformations. shift: list, numpy.ndarray A list of two coordinate shifts to be applied to coordinates *after* ``matrix`` transformations are applied. ref_tpwcs: WCSCorrector, None, optional A reference WCS of the type ``WCSCorrector`` that provides the tangent plane in which corrections (``matrix`` and ``shift``) were defined. When not provided (i.e., set to `None`), it is assumed that the transformations are being applied directly to *this* image WCS' tangent plane. meta: dict, None, optional Dictionary that will be merged to the object's ``meta`` fields. **kwargs: optional parameters Optional parameters for the WCS corrector. `JWSTWCSCorrector` ignores these arguments (except for storing them in the ``meta`` attribute). """ frms = self._wcs.available_frames if ref_tpwcs is None: matrix = np.array(matrix, dtype=np.double) shift = np.array(shift, dtype=np.double) else: # compute linear transformation from the tangent plane used for # alignment to the tangent plane of this wcs: r, t = _tp2tp(ref_tpwcs, self) matrix = np.linalg.multi_dot([r, matrix, inv(r)]).astype(np.double) shift = (, shift) -, t) + t).astype(np.double) # if original WCS did not have tangent-plane corrections, create # new correction and add it to the WCs pipeline: if self._tpcorr is None: self._tpcorr = JWSTWCSCorrector._tpcorr_init( v2_ref=self._wcsinfo['v2_ref'] / 3600.0, v3_ref=self._wcsinfo['v3_ref'] / 3600.0, roll_ref=self._wcsinfo['roll_ref'] ) JWSTWCSCorrector._tpcorr_combine_affines( self._tpcorr, matrix, _ARCSEC2RAD * np.asarray(shift) ) self._partial_tpcorr = JWSTWCSCorrector._v2v3_to_tpcorr_from_full( self._tpcorr ) idx_v2v3 = frms.index(self._v23name) pipeline = deepcopy(self._wcs.pipeline) step = pipeline[idx_v2v3] pf = step.frame pt = step.transform pipeline[idx_v2v3] = (pf, deepcopy(self._tpcorr)) frm_v2v3corr = deepcopy(pf) = 'v2v3corr' pipeline.insert(idx_v2v3 + 1, (frm_v2v3corr, pt)) self._wcs = gwcs.WCS(pipeline, self._v23name = 'v2v3corr' else: # combine old and new corrections into a single one and replace # old transformation with the combined correction transformation: JWSTWCSCorrector._tpcorr_combine_affines( self._tpcorr, matrix, _ARCSEC2RAD * np.asarray(shift) ) self._partial_tpcorr = JWSTWCSCorrector._v2v3_to_tpcorr_from_full( self._tpcorr ) idx_v2v3 = frms.index(self._v23name) pipeline = deepcopy(self._wcs.pipeline) pipeline[idx_v2v3 - 1] = (pipeline[idx_v2v3 - 1].frame, deepcopy(self._tpcorr)) self._wcs = gwcs.WCS(pipeline, # reset definitions of the transformations from detector/world # coordinates to the tangent plane: self._update_transformations() # save linear transformation info to the meta attribute: super().set_correction(matrix=matrix, shift=shift, meta=meta, **kwargs)
def _check_wcs_structure(self, wcs): if wcs is None or wcs.pipeline is None: return False, "Either WCS or its pipeline is None." frms = wcs.available_frames nframes = len(frms) if nframes < 3: return False, "There are fewer than 3 frames in the WCS pipeline." if frms.count(frms[0]) > 1 or frms.count(frms[-1]) > 1: return (False, "First and last frames in the WCS pipeline must " "be unique.") if frms.count('v2v3') != 1 or frms.count('v2v3vacorr') > 1: return (False, "Only one 'v2v3' or 'v2v3vacorr' frame is allowed " "in the WCS pipeline.") idx_v2v3 = frms.index('v2v3') if idx_v2v3 == 0 or idx_v2v3 == (nframes - 1): return (False, "'v2v3' frame cannot be first or last in the WCS " "pipeline.") try: idx_v2v3vacorr = frms.index('v2v3vacorr') if idx_v2v3vacorr < idx_v2v3 or idx_v2v3vacorr == (nframes - 1): return (False, "'v2v3vacorr' frame cannot precede the 'v2v3' " "frame or be the last frame in the WCS pipeline.") idx_v2v3 = idx_v2v3vacorr except ValueError: pass nv2v3corr = frms.count('v2v3corr') if nv2v3corr == 0: return True, '' elif nv2v3corr > 1: return (False, "Only one 'v2v3corr' correction frame is allowed " "in the WCS pipeline.") idx_v2v3corr = frms.index('v2v3corr') if idx_v2v3corr != (idx_v2v3 + 1) or idx_v2v3corr == (nframes - 1): return (False, "'v2v3corr' frame is not in the correct position " "in the WCS pipeline.") return True, ''
[docs] def det_to_world(self, x, y): """ Convert pixel coordinates to sky coordinates using full (i.e., including distortions) transformations. """ ra, dec = self._det_to_world(x, y) return ra, dec
[docs] def world_to_det(self, ra, dec): """ Convert sky coordinates to image's pixel coordinates using full (i.e., including distortions) transformations. """ if self._world_to_det is None: raise NotImplementedError("World to detector transformation has " "not been implemented.") x, y = self._world_to_det(ra, dec) return x, y
[docs] def det_to_tanp(self, x, y): """ Convert detector (pixel) coordinates to tangent plane coordinates. """ v2, v3 = self._det_to_v23(x, y) x, y = self._partial_tpcorr(v2, v3) return _RAD2ARCSEC * x, _RAD2ARCSEC * y
[docs] def tanp_to_det(self, x, y): """ Convert tangent plane coordinates to detector (pixel) coordinates. """ if self._partial_tpcorr.inverse is None or self._v23_to_det is None: raise NotImplementedError( "Tangent plane to detector transformation has not been " "implemented." ) v2, v3 = self._partial_tpcorr.inverse( _ARCSEC2RAD * np.asanyarray(x), _ARCSEC2RAD * np.asanyarray(y) ) x, y = self._v23_to_det(v2, v3) return x, y
[docs] def world_to_tanp(self, ra, dec): """ Convert tangent plane coordinates to detector (pixel) coordinates. """ v2, v3 = self._world_to_v23(ra, dec) x, y = self._partial_tpcorr(v2, v3) return _RAD2ARCSEC * x, _RAD2ARCSEC * y
[docs] def tanp_to_world(self, x, y): """ Convert tangent plane coordinates to world coordinates. """ v2, v3 = self._partial_tpcorr.inverse( _ARCSEC2RAD * np.asanyarray(x), _ARCSEC2RAD * np.asanyarray(y) ) ra, dec = self._v23_to_world(v2, v3) return ra, dec
@property def bounding_box(self): """ Get the bounding box (if any) of the underlying image for which the original WCS is defined. """ if self._owcs.pixel_bounds is None: if self._owcs.pixel_shape is not None: nx, ny = self._owcs.pixel_shape elif self._owcs.array_shape is not None: ny, nx = self._owcs.array_shape else: return None return ((-0.5, nx - 0.5), (-0.5, ny - 0.5)) else: return self._owcs.pixel_bounds
@deprecated(since='0.8.0', alternative='WCSCorrector') class TPWCS(WCSCorrector): pass @deprecated(since='0.8.0', alternative='JWSTWCSCorrector') class JWSTgWCS(JWSTWCSCorrector): pass @deprecated(since='0.8.0', alternative='FITSWCSCorrector') class FITSWCS(FITSWCSCorrector): pass