Source code for tweakwcs.imalign

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
A module that provides functions for "aligning" images: specifically, it
provides functions for computing corrections to image ``WCS`` so that
image catalogs "align" to the reference catalog *on the sky*.

:Authors: Mihai Cara

:License: :doc:`LICENSE`

import logging
from datetime import datetime
import collections

import numpy as np
import astropy
from astropy.utils.decorators import deprecated_renamed_argument, deprecated

from . wcsimage import RefCatalog, WCSImageCatalog, WCSGroupCatalog
from . correctors import WCSCorrector
from . matchutils import XYXYMatch

from . import __version__

__author__ = 'Mihai Cara'

__all__ = ['fit_wcs', 'align_wcs']

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @deprecated_renamed_argument('tpwcs', 'corrector', since='0.8.0') def fit_wcs(refcat, imcat, corrector, ref_tpwcs=None, fitgeom='general', nclip=3, sigma=(3.0, 'rmse'), clip_accum=False, group_bb_policy='auto'): """ "Tweak" **a single** image's ``WCS`` by fitting image catalog to a reference catalog. This is a simplified version of `align_wcs` that does not perform matching and is limited to the fitting part. .. note:: Both reference and image catalogs must have been **matched** *prior to* calling ``fit_wcs()``. This means that the lengths of both ``refcat`` and ``imcat`` catalogs must be equal *and* that coordinates with the same indices in both catalogs correspond to the same source. .. warning:: If ``corrector.meta`` dictionary contains ``'catalog'`` keyword, it will be ignored. Parameters ---------- refcat: astropy.table.Table A reference source catalog. The catalog must contain ``'RA'`` and ``'DEC'`` columns which indicate reference source world coordinates (in degrees). An optional column in the catalog is the ``'weight'`` column, which when present, will be used in fitting. See ``Notes`` section for further details. imcat: astropy.table.Table Source catalog associated with an image whose WCS needs to be aligned by fitting a linear transformation to ``imcat`` source positions so as to align them to the same sources from the ``refcat`` catalog. Must contain ``'x'`` and ``'y'`` columns which indicate source coordinates (in pixels) in the associated image. An optional column in the catalog is the ``'weight'`` column, which when present, will be used in fitting. See ``Notes`` section for further details. corrector: WCSCorrector A ``WCS`` associated with the image from which the catalog was derived. This ``WCSCorrector``-subclassed WCS corrector object must also define a tangent plane that will be used for fitting the two catalogs' sources and in which WCS corrections will be applied. ref_tpwcs: WCSCorrector, None, optional A reference WCS of the type ``WCSCorrector`` that provides the tangent plane in which matching will be performed and corrections will be defined. When not provided (i.e., set to `None`), reference tangent plane will be the same as defined by ``corrector`` argument. fitgeom: {'shift', 'rshift', 'rscale', 'general'}, optional The fitting geometry to be used in fitting the matched object lists. This parameter is used in fitting the offsets, rotations and/or scale changes from the matched object lists. The 'general' fit geometry allows for independent scale and rotation for each axis. nclip: int, None, optional Number (a non-negative integer) of clipping iterations in fit. Clipping will be turned off if ``nclip`` is either `None` or 0. sigma: float, tuple of the form (float, str), optional When a tuple is provided, first value (a positive number) indicates the number of "fit error estimates" to use for clipping. The second value (a string) indicates the statistic to be used for "fit error estimate". Currently the following values are supported: ``'rmse'``, ``'mae'``, and ``'std'`` - see `~tweakwcs.linearfit.iter_linear_fit` for more details. When ``sigma`` is a single number, it must be a positive number and the default error estimate ``'rmse'`` is assumed. This parameter is ignored when ``nclip`` is either `None` or 0. clip_accum: bool, optional Indicates whether or not to reset the list of "bad" (clipped out) sources after each clipping iteration. When set to `True` the list only grows with each iteration as "bad" positions never re-enter the pool of available position for the fit. By default the list of "bad" source positions is purged at each iteration. This parameter is ignored when ``nclip`` is either `None` or 0. group_bb_policy: int, {'exact', 'auto'} Describes how to compute the bounding polygon of the group. ``'exact'`` will compute the exact union of bounding boxes of input ``images``. An integer number will *approximate* the bounding box using convex hull if the number of input ``images`` is exceeds the value of ``group_bb_policy`` and it will switch to exact computations (using unions) otherwise. ``'auto'`` is the same as setting threshold to 50. Returns ------- twwcs: WCSCorrector "Tweaked" (aligned) ``WCS`` that contains tangent-plane corrections so that reference and image catalog sources better align in the tangent plane and therefore on the sky as well. Notes ----- When fitting image sources to reference catalog sources, we can specify which sources have higher weights. This can be done by assigning a "weight" to each source by specifying these values in the optional ``'weight'`` column of either the reference catalog, image catalog, or both. When weights are not provided, all sources are weighed equally. When only either image or reference catalog weights are provided, the sources will be weighted with the specified weights. When *both* image *and* reference catalogs specify weights for the same sources, the two weights will be combined into a single weight as: .. math:: 1/w = 1/w_i + 1/w_r .. warning:: Keep in mind that when a group catalog is created from individual catalogs, weights of the group catalog are created by *concatenating* weights of individual catalogs. Therefore, for the weighting of groups of catalogs to work correctly, the weights of individual catalogs should be scaled in such a way that when individual catalogs are combined into a single "group catalog", weights preserve their relative values. For example, let's say a group is formed from two individual catalogs. Let's say first catalog contains four sources with equal weights ``[1,1,1,1]`` and the second catalog contains two sources with weights ``[1,1]`` then the group's catalogs sources will also have equal weights ``[1,1,1,1,1,1]``. However, if each individual catalog's weights were normalized such that sum of all weights is 1, then group's sources will be weighed unequally: ``[0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25,0.5,0.5]``. Upon **successful** completion, this function will set the ``'fit_info'`` key value of the ``meta`` attribute of the returned ``WCSCorrector`` object. ``'fit_info'`` is a dictionary with the following items: * **'shift'**: A ``numpy.ndarray`` with two components of the computed shift. Note: shift is in units of the *tangent plane*. * **'matrix'**: A ``2x2`` ``numpy.ndarray`` with the computed generalized rotation matrix. * **'proper_rot'**: Rotation angle (degree) as if the rotation is proper. * **'rot'**: A tuple of ``(rotx, roty)`` - the rotation angles with regard to the ``X`` and ``Y`` axes. * **'<rot>'**: *Arithmetic mean* of the angles of rotation around ``X`` and ``Y`` axes. * **'scale'**: A tuple of ``(sx, sy)`` - scale change in the direction of the ``X`` and ``Y`` axes. * **'<scale>'**: *Geometric mean* of scales ``sx`` and ``sy``. * **'skew'**: Computed skew. * **'proper'**: a boolean indicating whether the rotation is proper. * **'fitgeom'**: Fit geometry (allowed transformations) used for fitting data (to minimize residuals). This is copy of the input argument ``fitgeom``. * **'center'**: Center of rotation in the *tangent plane* of the computed linear transformations. * **'fitmask'**: A boolean array indicating which source positions where used for fitting (`True`) and which were clipped out (`False`). **NOTE:** For weighted fits, positions with zero weights are automatically excluded from the fits. * **'eff_nclip'**: Effective number of clipping iterations * **'rmse'**: fit Root-Mean-Square Error in *tangent plane* coordinates of corrected image source positions from reference source positions. * **'mae'**: fit Mean Absolute Error in *tangent plane* coordinates of corrected image source positions from reference source positions. * **'std'**: Norm of the standard deviation of the residuals in *tangent plane* along each axis. * **'resids'**: An array of residuals of the fit in the *tangent plane*. **NOTE:** Only the residuals for the "valid" points are reported here. Therefore the length of this array may be smaller than the length of input arrays of positions. * **'fit_RA'**: first (corrected) world coordinate of input source positions used in fitting. * **'fit_DEC'**: second (corrected) world coordinate of input source positions used in fitting. * **'status'**: Alignment status. Currently two possible status are possible ``'SUCCESS'`` or ``'FAILED: reason for failure'``. When alignment failed, the reason for failure is provided after alignment status. """ function_name = fit_wcs.__name__ # Time it runtime_begin =" ")"***** {:s}.{:s}() started on {}" .format(__name__, function_name, runtime_begin))" Version {}".format(__version__))" ") try: # Attempt to set initial status to FAILED. corrector.meta['fit_info'] = {'status': 'FAILED: Unknown error'} except Exception: raise AttributeError("Unable to set/modify corrector.meta attribute.") # check fitgeom: fitgeom = fitgeom.lower() if fitgeom not in SUPPORTED_FITGEOM_MODES: raise ValueError( "Unsupported 'fitgeom'. Valid values are: " f"{_SUPPORTED_FITGEOM_EN_STR:s}" ) wimcat = WCSImageCatalog(imcat, corrector, name=imcat.meta.get('name', 'Unnamed')) wgcat = WCSGroupCatalog( wimcat, name=imcat.meta.get('name', 'Unnamed'), bb_policy=group_bb_policy ) wrefcat = RefCatalog(refcat, name=imcat.meta.get('name', 'Unnamed')) succes = wgcat.align_to_ref( refcat=wrefcat, ref_tpwcs=ref_tpwcs, match=None, minobj=None, fitgeom=fitgeom, nclip=nclip, sigma=sigma, clip_accum=clip_accum ) corrector.meta['fit_info'] = wimcat.fit_info if not succes: log.warning("Failed to align catalog '{}'.".format( # log running time: runtime_end =" ")"***** {:s}.{:s}() ended on {}" .format(__name__, function_name, runtime_end))"***** {:s}.{:s}() TOTAL RUN TIME: {}" .format(__name__, function_name, runtime_end - runtime_begin))" ") return wgcat[0].corrector
[docs] def align_wcs(wcscat, refcat=None, ref_tpwcs=None, enforce_user_order=True, expand_refcat=False, minobj=None, match=XYXYMatch(), fitgeom='general', nclip=3, sigma=(3.0, 'rmse'), clip_accum=False, group_bb_policy='auto'): r""" Align (groups of) image catalogs by adjusting the parameters of their WCS based on fits between matched sources in these catalogs and a reference catalog which may be automatically created from one of the input ``wcscat`` catalogs. .. warning:: This function modifies the ``wcs`` attribute of each item in the input ``wcscat`` list! Upon completion, this function will add a field ``'fit_info'`` to the ``meta`` attribute of the input WCS correctors (except of the one chosen as a reference catalog when ``refcat`` is `None`) containing a dictionary describing matching and fit results. For a description of the items in this dictionary, see :meth:`tweakwcs.wcsimage.WCSGroupCatalog.align_to_ref`. In addition to the status set by :meth:`~tweakwcs.wcsimage.WCSGroupCatalog.align_to_ref`, this function may set status to ``'REFERENCE'`` for an input image used as a reference image when a reference catalog is not provided. In this case no other fields in the ``'fit_info'`` will be present because a reference image is not being aligned. When alignment failed, the reason for failure is provided after alignment status. .. warning:: Unless status in ``'fit_info'`` is ``'SUCCESS'``, there is no guarantee that other fields in ``'fit_info'`` are present or valid. Therefore, it is advisable verify that status is ``'SUCCESS'`` before attempting to access other items, for example: >>> fit_info = wcscat[0].meta.get('fit_info') # noqa >>> if fit_info['status'] == 'SUCCESS': ... print("shifts: [{}, {}]".format(*fit_info['shift'])) ... else: ... print("tweak info not available for this image") Parameters ---------- wcscat: tweakwcs.correctors.WCSCorrector, list of tweakwcs.correctors.WCSCorrector A list of all `~tweakwcs.correctors.WCSCorrector`-derived WCS correctors whose ``meta`` dictionary **must** contain ``'catalog'`` item with a non-empty table value of type `astropy.table.Table`. This catalog must contain ``'x'`` and ``'y'`` columns which indicate source coordinates (in pixels) in the associated image. An optional column in the catalog is the ``'weight'`` column, which when present, will be used in fitting. See ``Notes`` section for further details. In addition to ``'catalog'``, the following items in the ``meta`` dictionary are recognized/supported: ``'name'`` and ``'group_id'``. ``'name'`` is catalog's name and it used to identify catalog during logging. If ``'name'`` value is `None` or not present at all in the ``meta`` of a catalog, the name of that catalog will reported as ``'Unknown'``. Group ID that may be used for identifying catalogs that need to be aligned together. ``group_id`` must be hashable. If ``'group_id'`` is `None` or not provided, each input WCS/catalog will be aligned individually. .. note:: Upon completion this function will add ``'fit_info'`` item (a dictionary) to input object's ``meta`` dictionary. See **Notes** section for more details. .. warning:: This function modifies the WCS of ``WCSCorrector`` objects by calling their :py:meth:`~tweakwcs.correctors.WCSCorrector.set_correction` method. refcat: astropy.table.Table, optional A reference source catalog. The catalog must contain ``'RA'`` and ``'DEC'`` columns which indicate reference source world coordinates (in degrees). An optional column in the catalog is the ``'weight'`` column, which when present, will be used in fitting. See ``Notes`` section for further details. ref_tpwcs: WCSCorrector, None, optional A reference WCS of the type ``WCSCorrector`` that provides the tangent plane in which matching will be performed and corrections will be defined. When not provided (i.e., set to `None`), reference tangent plane will be defined from the first ``WCSCorrector`` object *in the re-ordered* (if ``enforce_user_order`` was set to `True`) input list ``wcscat``. enforce_user_order: bool, optional Specifies whether images should be aligned in the order specified in the `file` input parameter or `align` should optimize the order of alignment by intersection area of the images. Default value (`True`) will align images in the user specified order, except when some images cannot be aligned in which case `align` will optimize the image alignment order. Alignment order optimization is available *only* when ``expand_refcat`` is `True`. expand_refcat: bool, optional Specifies whether to add new sources from just matched images to the reference catalog to allow next image to be matched against an expanded reference catalog. By delault, the reference catalog is not being expanded. If ``refcat`` is not `None` and contains an ``'id'`` column, then sources being added to the reference catalog will be assigned consecutive IDs that continue maximum ID in the ``refcat``. If one desires to uniquely associate source in the expanded catalog to their original catalogs, it is recommended that one assign unique IDs to all sources in all input catalogs **and** in the reference catalog in a separate column such as ``'uuid'``. minobj: int, None, optional Minimum number of identified objects from each input image to use in matching objects from other images. If the default `None` value is used then `align` will automatically deternmine the minimum number of sources from the value of the ``fitgeom`` parameter. match: MatchCatalogs, function, None, optional A callable that takes two arguments: a reference catalog and an image catalog. Both catalogs will have columns ``'TPx'`` and ``'TPy'`` that represent the source coordinates in some common (to both catalogs) coordinate system. fitgeom: {'shift', 'rshift', 'rscale', 'general'}, optional The fitting geometry to be used in fitting the matched object lists. This parameter is used in fitting the offsets, rotations and/or scale changes from the matched object lists. The 'general' fit geometry allows for independent scale and rotation for each axis. nclip: int, None, optional Number (a non-negative integer) of clipping iterations in fit. Clipping will be turned off if ``nclip`` is either `None` or 0. sigma: float, tuple of the form (float, str), optional When a tuple is provided, first value (a positive number) indicates the number of "fit error estimates" to use for clipping. The second value (a string) indicates the statistic to be used for "fit error estimate". Currently the following values are supported: ``'rmse'``, ``'mae'``, and ``'std'`` - see `~tweakwcs.linearfit.iter_linear_fit` for more details. When ``sigma`` is a single number, it must be a positive number and the default error estimate ``'rmse'`` is assumed. This parameter is ignored when ``nclip`` is either `None` or 0. clip_accum: bool, optional Indicates whether or not to reset the list of "bad" (clipped out) sources after each clipping iteration. When set to `True` the list only grows with each iteration as "bad" positions never re-enter the pool of available position for the fit. By default the list of "bad" source positions is purged at each iteration. This parameter is ignored when ``nclip`` is either `None` or 0. group_bb_policy: int, {'exact', 'auto'} Describes how to compute the bounding polygon of the group. ``'exact'`` will compute the exact union of bounding boxes of input ``images``. An integer number will *approximate* the bounding box using convex hull if the number of input ``images`` is exceeds the value of ``group_bb_policy`` and it will switch to exact computations (using unions) otherwise. ``'auto'`` is the same as setting threshold to 50. Returns ------- eff_refcat: astropy.table.Table Effective reference catalog used for aligning all images. Depending on the values of the input parameters ``refcat``, ``enforce_user_order``, and ``expand_refcat``, effective reference catalog may be one of the input image catalogs, the original ``refcat`` catalog, an expanded ``refcat`` with a combination of source positions from all input images. Notes ----- **1. Weights:** When fitting image sources to reference catalog sources, we can specify which sources have higher weights. This can be done by assigning a "weight" to each source by specifying these values in the optional ``'weight'`` column of either the reference catalog, image catalog, or both. When weights are not provided, all sources are weighed equally. When only either image or reference catalog weights are provided, the sources will be weighted with the specified weights. When *both* image *and* reference catalogs specify weights for the same sources, the two weights will be combined into a single weight as: .. math:: 1/w = 1/w_i + 1/w_r .. warning:: Keep in mind that when a group catalog is created from individual catalogs, weights of the group catalog are created by *concatenating* weights of individual catalogs. Therefore, for the weighting of groups of catalogs to work correctly, the weights of individual catalogs should be scaled in such a way that when individual catalogs are combined into a single "group catalog", weights preserve their relative values. For example, let's say a group is formed from two individual catalogs. Let's say first catalog contains four sources with equal weights ``[1,1,1,1]`` and the second catalog contains two sources with weights ``[1,1]`` then the group's catalogs sources will also have equal weights ``[1,1,1,1,1,1]``. However, if each individual catalog's weights were normalized such that sum of all weights is 1, then group's sources will be weighed unequally: ``[0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25,0.5,0.5]``. .. warning:: When image catalogs contain optional ``'weight'`` column, then all image catalogs in a group must contain this column. **2.** ``'fit_info'``: Upon completion, this function will add ``'fit_info'`` item (itself a dictionary) to input object's ``meta`` dictionary. If input objects are `~tweakwcs.correctors.WCSCorrector` WCS correctors, then ``WCSCorrector.meta['fit_info']`` will be set to a dictionary containing fit information. .. note:: For `~tweakwcs.correctors.WCSCorrector` that are aligned in a group, the ``'matrix'`` and ``'shift'`` items in the ``'fit_info'`` dictionary may differ from the values of the same items in ``WCSCorrector.meta`` dictionary. This is normal since WCS corrections (in `~tweakwcs.correctors.WCSCorrector`) are applied in the image's WCS plane while fit may be performed in a slightly different tangent plane. """ function_name = align_wcs.__name__ # Time it runtime_begin =" ")"***** {:s}.{:s}() started on {}" .format(__name__, function_name, runtime_begin))" Version {}".format(__version__))" ") # Check that type of `wcscat` is correct and set initial status to FAILED: if isinstance(wcscat, WCSCorrector): wcscat = [wcscat] start = 1 else: start = 0 if not (hasattr(wcscat, '__iter__') and all(isinstance(wcat, WCSCorrector) for wcat in wcscat[start:])): raise TypeError("Input 'wcscat' must be either a single " "WCSCorrector-derived object or a list of " "WCSCorrector-derived objects.") wcs_im_cats = [] for wcat in wcscat: if wcat.meta.get('catalog', None) is None: raise ValueError("Each object in 'wcscat' must have a valid " "catalog.") wcs_im_cat = WCSImageCatalog( catalog=wcat.meta['catalog'], corrector=wcat, name=wcat.meta.get('name', 'Unknown'), group_id=wcat.meta.get('group_id', None) ) wcs_im_cat.fit_status = "FAILED: Unknown error" wcs_im_cats.append(wcs_im_cat) # check fitgeom: fitgeom = fitgeom.lower() try: if minobj is None: minobj = SUPPORTED_FITGEOM_MODES[fitgeom] log.debug(f"Setting 'minobj' to {minobj} for fitgeom='{fitgeom}'") except KeyError: raise ValueError( "Unsupported 'fitgeom'. Valid values are: " f"{_SUPPORTED_FITGEOM_EN_STR:s}" ) # process reference catalog or image if provided: if refcat is not None: if isinstance(refcat, WCSCorrector): if 'catalog' not in refcat.meta: raise ValueError("Reference 'WCSCorrector' must contain a " "catalog.") rcat = refcat.meta['catalog'].copy() if not ('RA' in rcat.colnames and 'DEC' in rcat.colnames): # pragma: no branch # convert image x & y to world coordinates: ra, dec = refcat.det_to_world(rcat['x'], rcat['y']) rcat['RA'] = ra rcat['DEC'] = dec refcat_name = refcat.meta.get( 'name', rcat.meta.get('name', 'Unnamed') ) refcat = RefCatalog(rcat, name=refcat_name) elif isinstance(refcat, astropy.table.Table): if 'RA' not in refcat.colnames or 'DEC' not in refcat.colnames: raise KeyError("Reference catalogs *must* contain *both* 'RA' " "and 'DEC' columns.") refcat = RefCatalog( refcat, name=refcat.meta.get('name', 'Unnamed') ) else: raise TypeError("Unsupported 'refcat' type. Supported 'refcat' " "types are 'tweakwcs.correctors.WCSCorrector' and " "'astropy.table.Table'") # find group ID and assign images to groups: grouped_images = collections.defaultdict(list) for wcat in wcs_im_cats: grouped_images[wcat.group_id].append(wcat) # create WCSImageCatalog and WCSGroupCatalog: wcs_gcat = [] for group_id, wcatalogs in grouped_images.items(): if group_id is None: for wcat in wcatalogs: wcs_gcat.append( WCSGroupCatalog( wcat, name='GROUP ID: None', bb_policy=group_bb_policy ) ) else: gcat = WCSGroupCatalog( wcatalogs, name='GROUP ID: {}'.format(group_id), bb_policy=group_bb_policy ) if not len(gcat.catalog): log.warning("Group with ID '{}' will not be aligned: empty " "source catalog".format(group_id)) for wcat in wcatalogs: wcat.corrector.meta['fit_info'] = { 'status': 'FAILED: empty source catalog' } continue wcs_gcat.append(gcat) # check that we have enough input images: if (refcat is None and len(wcs_gcat) < 2) or len(wcs_gcat) == 0: raise ValueError("Too few input images (or groups of images) with " "non-empty catalogs.") # get the first image to be aligned and # create reference catalog if needed: if refcat is None: # create reference catalog: ref_imcat, current_wcat, area = _max_overlap_pair( images=wcs_gcat, enforce_user_order=enforce_user_order or not expand_refcat )"Selected image '{}' as reference image" .format( refcat = RefCatalog(ref_imcat.catalog, name=ref_imcat[0].name) for wcat in ref_imcat: wcat.corrector.meta['fit_info'] = {'status': 'REFERENCE'} else: # find the first image to be aligned: current_wcat, area = _max_overlap_image( refimage=refcat, images=wcs_gcat, enforce_user_order=enforce_user_order or not expand_refcat ) while current_wcat is not None:"Aligning image catalog '{}' to the reference catalog." .format( current_wcat.align_to_ref( refcat=refcat, ref_tpwcs=ref_tpwcs, match=match, minobj=minobj, fitgeom=fitgeom, nclip=nclip, sigma=sigma, clip_accum=clip_accum ) for wcat in current_wcat: wcat.corrector.meta['fit_info'] = wcat.fit_info # add unmatched sources to the reference catalog: if expand_refcat: if wcat.corrector.meta['fit_info']['status'] == 'SUCCESS' or not area: unmatched_src = current_wcat.get_unmatched_cat() refcat.expand_catalog(unmatched_src) "Added {:d} unmatched sources from '{}' to the reference " "catalog.".format(len(unmatched_src), ) else: log.warning( f"Failed to align catalog {} to the " "refence catalog. Therefore, it will not be added to the " "expanded reference catalog. Reported error: " f"'{wcat.corrector.meta['fit_info']['status']}'" ) # find the next image to be aligned: current_wcat, area = _max_overlap_image( refimage=refcat, images=wcs_gcat, enforce_user_order=enforce_user_order or not expand_refcat ) # log running time: runtime_end =" ")"***** {:s}.{:s}() ended on {}" .format(__name__, function_name, runtime_end))"***** {:s}.{:s}() TOTAL RUN TIME: {}" .format(__name__, function_name, runtime_end - runtime_begin))" ") eff_refcat = refcat.catalog return eff_refcat
def overlap_matrix(images): """ Compute overlap matrix: non-diagonal elements (i,j) of this matrix are absolute value of the area of overlap on the sky between i-th input image and j-th input image. .. note:: The diagonal of the returned overlap matrix is set to ``0.0``, i.e., this function does not compute the area of the footprint of a single image on the sky. Parameters ---------- images: list of WCSImageCatalog, WCSGroupCatalog, or RefCatalog A list of catalogs that implement :py:meth:`intersection_area` method. Returns ------- m: numpy.ndarray A `numpy.ndarray` of shape ``NxN`` where ``N`` is equal to the number of input images. Each non-diagonal element (i,j) of this matrix is the absolute value of the area of overlap on the sky between i-th input image and j-th input image. Diagonal elements are set to ``0.0``. """ nimg = len(images) m = np.zeros((nimg, nimg), dtype=np.double) for i in range(nimg): for j in range(i + 1, nimg): area = images[i]._guarded_intersection_area(images[j]) m[j, i] = area m[i, j] = area return m @deprecated("0.8.6") def max_overlap_pair(images, enforce_user_order): """ Return a pair of images with the largest overlap. .. warning:: Returned pair of images is "poped" from input ``images`` list and therefore on return ``images`` will contain a smaller number of elements. Parameters ---------- images: list of WCSImageCatalog, WCSGroupCatalog, or RefCatalog A list of catalogs that implement :py:meth:`intersection_area` method. enforce_user_order: bool When ``enforce_user_order`` is `True`, a pair of images will be returned **in the same order** as they were arranged in the ``images`` input list. That is, image overlaps will be ignored. Returns ------- (im1, im2) Returns a tuple of two images - elements of input ``images`` list. When ``enforce_user_order`` is `True`, images are returned in the order in which they appear in the input ``images`` list. When the number of input images is smaller than two, ``im1`` and ``im2`` may be `None`. """ nimg = len(images) if nimg == 0: return None, None elif nimg == 1: return images[0], None elif nimg == 2 or enforce_user_order: # for the special case when only two images are provided # return (refimage, image) in the same order as provided in 'images'. # Also, when ref. catalog is static - revert to old tweakreg behavior im1 = images.pop(0) # reference image im2 = images.pop(0) return im1, im2 m = overlap_matrix(images) i, j = np.unravel_index(m.argmax(), m.shape) si = np.sum(m[i]) sj = np.sum(m[:, j]) if si < sj: # pragma: no branch i, j = j, i if i < j: # pragma: no branch j -= 1 im1 = images.pop(i) # reference image im2 = images.pop(j) # Sort the remaining of the input list of images by overlap area # with the reference image (in decreasing order): row = m[i] row = np.delete(row, i) row = np.delete(row, j) sorting_indices = np.argsort(row)[::-1] sorted_images = [images[k] for k in sorting_indices] # apply argsort del images[:] for im in sorted_images: images.append(im) return im1, im2 @deprecated("0.8.6") def max_overlap_image(refimage, images, enforce_user_order): """ Return the image from the input ``images`` list that has the largest overlap with the ``refimage`` image. .. warning:: Returned image of images is "poped" from input ``images`` list and therefore on return ``images`` will contain a smaller number of elements. Parameters ---------- refimage: RefCatalog Reference catalog. images: list of WCSImageCatalog, or WCSGroupCatalog A list of catalogs that implement :py:meth:`intersection_area` method. enforce_user_order: bool When ``enforce_user_order`` is `True`, returned image is the first image from the ``images`` input list regardless ofimage overlaps. Returns ------- image: WCSImageCatalog, WCSGroupCatalog, or None Returns an element of input ``images`` list. When input list is empty - `None` is returned. """ if not images: return None if enforce_user_order: # revert to old tweakreg behavior return images.pop(0) idx = np.argmax([refimage.intersection_area(im) for im in images]) return images.pop(idx) def _max_overlap_pair(images, enforce_user_order): """ Return a pair of images with the largest overlap. .. warning:: Returned pair of images is "poped" from input ``images`` list and therefore on return ``images`` will contain a smaller number of elements. Parameters ---------- images: list of WCSImageCatalog, WCSGroupCatalog, or RefCatalog A list of catalogs that implement :py:meth:`intersection_area` method. enforce_user_order: bool When ``enforce_user_order`` is `True`, a pair of images will be returned **in the same order** as they were arranged in the ``images`` input list. That is, image overlaps will be ignored. Returns ------- (im1, im2, overlap_area) Returns a tuple of two images - elements of input ``images`` list and the area of the overlap of the two images in steradians. When ``enforce_user_order`` is `True`, images are returned in the order in which they appear in the input ``images`` list. When the number of input images is smaller than two, ``im1`` and ``im2`` may be `None`. """ nimg = len(images) if nimg == 0: return None, None, None elif nimg == 1: return images[0], None, None elif nimg == 2 or enforce_user_order: # for the special case when only two images are provided # return (refimage, image) in the same order as provided in 'images'. # Also, when ref. catalog is static - revert to old tweakreg behavior im1 = images.pop(0) # reference image im2 = images.pop(0) overlap_area = im1._guarded_intersection_area(im2) return im1, im2, overlap_area m = overlap_matrix(images) i, j = np.unravel_index(m.argmax(), m.shape) si = np.sum(m[i]) sj = np.sum(m[:, j]) if si < sj: # pragma: no branch i, j = j, i if i < j: # pragma: no branch j -= 1 im1 = images.pop(i) # reference image im2 = images.pop(j) overlap_area = m[i, j] # Sort the remaining of the input list of images by overlap area # with the reference image (in decreasing order): row = m[i] row = np.delete(row, i) row = np.delete(row, j) sorting_indices = np.argsort(row)[::-1] sorted_images = [images[k] for k in sorting_indices] # apply argsort del images[:] for im in sorted_images: images.append(im) return im1, im2, overlap_area def _max_overlap_image(refimage, images, enforce_user_order): """ Return the image from the input ``images`` list that has the largest overlap with the ``refimage`` image. .. warning:: Returned image of images is "poped" from input ``images`` list and therefore on return ``images`` will contain a smaller number of elements. Parameters ---------- refimage: RefCatalog Reference catalog. images: list of WCSImageCatalog, or WCSGroupCatalog A list of catalogs that implement :py:meth:`intersection_area` method. enforce_user_order: bool When ``enforce_user_order`` is `True`, returned image is the first image from the ``images`` input list regardless of image overlaps. Returns ------- image or (image, overlap_area) ``image`` is either `WCSImageCatalog`, `WCSGroupCatalog`, or `None`. Returns an element of input ``images`` list and, optionally (when ``return_overlap_area=True``), the area of the overlap of the image with the reference image in steradians. When input list is empty - `None` is returned. """ if not images: return None, None if enforce_user_order: # revert to old tweakreg behavior return images.pop(0), None overlap_area = [refimage.intersection_area(im) for im in images] idx = np.argmax(overlap_area) return images.pop(idx), overlap_area[idx]