Source code for tweakwcs.linearfit

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
A module that provides algorithms for performing linear fit between
sets of 2D points.

:Authors: Mihai Cara, Warren Hack

:License: :doc:`LICENSE`

import logging
import numbers
from packaging.version import Version

import numpy as np
import astropy
from astropy.modeling.fitting import LevMarLSQFitter
if Version(astropy.__version__) >= Version('5.1'):
    from astropy.modeling.fitting import fitter_to_model_params
    from astropy.modeling.fitting import (_fitter_to_model_params as

from . linalg import inv
from . import __version__  # noqa: F401

__author__ = 'Mihai Cara, Warren Hack'

__all__ = [
    'iter_linear_fit', 'build_fit_matrix', 'SUPPORTED_FITGEOM_MODES',

# Supported fitgeom modes and corresponding minobj
    'shift': 1,
    'rshift': 2,
    'rscale': 2,
    'general': 3

_SUPPORTED_FITGEOM_EN_STR = (', '.join(map(repr, _FITGEOM_KEYS[:-1])) +
                             ', or ' + repr(_FITGEOM_KEYS[-1]))

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class SingularMatrixError(Exception):
    """ An error class used to report when a singular matrix is encountered."""

class NotEnoughPointsError(Exception):
    An error class used to report when there are not enough points to
    find parameters of a linear transformation.

[docs] def iter_linear_fit(xy, uv, wxy=None, wuv=None, fitgeom='general', center=None, nclip=3, sigma=(3.0, 'rmse'), clip_accum=False): r""" Compute linear transformation parameters that "best" (in the sense of minimizing residuals) transform ``uv`` source position to ``xy`` sources iteratively using sigma-clipping. More precisely, this functions attempts to find a ``2x2`` matrix ``F`` and a shift vector ``s`` that minimize the residuals between the *transformed* reference source coordinates ``uv`` .. math:: \mathbf{xy}'_k = \mathbf{F}\cdot(\mathbf{uv}_k-\mathbf{c})+\ \mathbf{s} + \mathbf{c} :label: ilf1 and the "observed" source positions ``xy``: .. math:: \epsilon^2 = \Sigma_k w_k \|\mathbf{xy}_k-\mathbf{xy}'_k\|^2. :label: ilf2 In the above equations, :math:`\mathbf{F}` is a ``2x2`` matrix while :math:`\mathbf{xy}_k` and :math:`\mathbf{uv}_k` are the position coordinates of the ``k``-th source (row in input ``xy`` and ``uv`` arrays). One of the two catalogs (``xy`` or ``uv``) contains what we refer to as "image" source positions and the other one as "reference" source positions. The meaning assigned to ``xy`` and ``uv`` parameters are up to the caller of this function. Parameters ---------- xy: numpy.ndarray A ``(N, 2)``-shaped array of source positions (one 2-coordinate position per line). uv: numpy.ndarray A ``(N, 2)``-shaped array of source positions (one 2-coordinate position per line). This array *must have* the same length (shape) as the ``xy`` array. wxy: numpy.ndarray, None, optional A 1-dimensional array of weights of the same length (``N``) as ``xy`` array indicating how much a given coordinate should be weighted in the fit. If not provided or set to `None`, all positions will be contribute equally to the fit if ``wuv`` is also set to `None`. See ``Notes`` section for more details. wuv: numpy.ndarray, None, optional A 1-dimensional array of weights of the same length (``N``) as ``xy`` array indicating how much a given coordinate should be weighted in the fit. If not provided or set to `None`, all positions will be contribute equally to the fit if ``wxy`` is also set to `None`. See ``Notes`` section for more details. fitgeom: {'shift', 'rshift', 'rscale', 'general'}, optional The fitting geometry to be used in fitting the matched object lists. This parameter is used in fitting the shifts (offsets), rotations and/or scale changes from the matched object lists. The 'general' fit geometry allows for independent scale and rotation for each axis. center: tuple, list, numpy.ndarray, None, optional A list-like container with two ``X``- and ``Y``-positions of the center (origin) of rotations in the ``uv`` and ``xy`` coordinate frames. If not provided, ``center`` is estimated as a (weighted) mean position in the ``uv`` frame. nclip: int, None, optional Number (a non-negative integer) of clipping iterations in fit. Clipping will be turned off if ``nclip`` is either `None` or 0. sigma: float, tuple of the form (float, str), optional When a tuple is provided, first value (a positive number) indicates the number of "fit error estimates" to use for clipping. The second value (a string) indicates the statistic to be used for "fit error estimate". Currently the following values are supported: ``'rmse'``, ``'mae'``, and ``'std'`` - see ``Notes`` section for more details. When ``sigma`` is a single number, it must be a positive number and the default error estimate ``'rmse'`` is assumed. This parameter is ignored when ``nclip`` is either `None` or 0. clip_accum: bool, optional Indicates whether or not to reset the list of "bad" (clipped out) sources after each clipping iteration. When set to `True` the list only grows with each iteration as "bad" positions never re-enter the pool of available position for the fit. By default the list of "bad" source positions is purged at each iteration. This parameter is ignored when ``nclip`` is either `None` or 0. Returns ------- fit: dict - ``'shift'``: A ``numpy.ndarray`` with two components of the computed shift. - ``'shift_ld'``: A ``numpy.ndarray`` with two components of the computed shift of type ``numpy.longdouble``. - ``'matrix'``: A ``2x2`` ``numpy.ndarray`` with the computed generalized rotation matrix. - ``'matrix_ld'``: A ``2x2`` ``numpy.ndarray`` with the computed generalized rotation matrix of type ``numpy.longdouble``. - ``'proper_rot'``: Rotation angle (degree) as if the rotation is proper. - ``'rot'``: A tuple of ``(rotx, roty)`` - the rotation angles with regard to the ``X`` and ``Y`` axes. - ``'<rot>'``: *Arithmetic mean* of the angles of rotation around ``X`` and ``Y`` axes. - ``'scale'``: A tuple of ``(sx, sy)`` - scale change in the direction of the ``X`` and ``Y`` axes. - ``'<scale>'``: *Geometric mean* of scales ``sx`` and ``sy``. - ``'skew'``: Computed skew. - ``'proper'``: a boolean indicating whether the rotation is proper. - ``'fitgeom'``: Fit geometry (allowed transformations) used for fitting data (to minimize residuals). This is copy of the input argument ``fitgeom``. - ``'center'``: Center of rotation - ``'center_ld'``: Center of rotation as a ``numpy.longdouble``. - ``'fitmask'``: A boolean array indicating which source positions where used for fitting (`True`) and which were clipped out (`False`). **NOTE** For weighted fits, positions with zero weights are automatically excluded from the fits. - ``'eff_nclip'``: Effective number of clipping iterations - ``'rmse'``: Root-Mean-Square Error - ``'mae'``: Mean Absolute Error - ``'std'``: Standard Deviation of the residuals - ``'resids'``: An array of residuals of the fit. **NOTE:** Only the residuals for the "valid" points are reported here. Therefore the length of this array may be smaller than the length of input arrays of positions. Notes ----- **Weights** Weights can be provided for both "image" source positions and "reference" source positions. When no weights are given, all positions are weighted equally. When only one set of positions have weights (i.e., either ``wxy`` or ``wuv`` is not `None`) then weights in :eq:`ilf2` are set to be equal to the provided set of weights. When weights for *both* "image" source positions and "reference" source positions are provided, then the combined weight that is used in :eq:`ilf2` is computed as: .. math:: 1/w = 1/w_{xy} + 1/w_{uv}. **Statistics for clipping** Several statistics are available for clipping iterations and all of them are reported in the returned ``fit`` dictionary regardless of the setting in ``sigma``: .. math:: \mathrm{RMSE} = \sqrt{\Sigma_k w_k \|\mathbf{r}_k\|^2} .. math:: \mathrm{MAE} = \sqrt{\Sigma_k w_k \|\mathbf{r}_k\|} .. math:: \mathrm{STD} = \sqrt{\Sigma_k w_k \|\mathbf{r}_k - \ \mathbf{\overline{r}}\|^2}/(1-V_2) where :math:`\mathbf{r}_k=\mathbf{xy}_k-\mathbf{xy}'_k`, :math:`\Sigma_k w_k = 1`, and :math:`V_2=\Sigma_k w_k^2`. """ try: minobj = SUPPORTED_FITGEOM_MODES[fitgeom] if fitgeom == 'general': linear_fit = fit_general elif fitgeom == 'rscale': linear_fit = fit_rscale elif fitgeom == 'rshift': linear_fit = fit_rshift elif fitgeom == 'shift': linear_fit = fit_shifts else: # pragma: no cover raise AssertionError("Notify developer: fitter selector block is " "out-of-sync with SUPPORTED_FITGEOM_MODES.") except KeyError: raise ValueError("Unsupported 'fitgeom' value: '{}'".format(fitgeom)) xy = np.array(xy, dtype=np.longdouble) uv = np.array(uv, dtype=np.longdouble) if len(xy.shape) != 2 or xy.shape[1] != 2 or uv.shape != xy.shape: raise ValueError("Input coordinate arrays 'xy' and 'uv' must be of " "shape (N, 2) where N is the number of coordinate " "points.") wmask = np.ones(len(xy), dtype=np.bool_) if wxy is not None: wxy = np.asarray(wxy) if len(wxy.shape) != 1 or wxy.shape[0] != xy.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Weights 'wxy' must be a 1-dimensional vector " "of lengths equal to the number of input points.") wmask *= wxy > 0.0 if wuv is not None: wuv = np.asarray(wuv) if len(wuv.shape) != 1 or wuv.shape[0] != xy.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Weights 'wuv' must be a 1-dimensional vector " "of lengths equal to the number of input points.") wmask *= wuv > 0.0 mask = wmask if sigma is None and nclip is not None and nclip > 0: raise ValueError("Argument 'sigma' cannot be None when 'nclip' is " "a positive number.") if isinstance(sigma, numbers.Number): sigstat = 'rmse' # default value nsigma = float(sigma) elif sigma is not None: nsigma = float(sigma[0]) sigstat = sigma[1] if sigstat not in ['rmse', 'mae', 'std']: raise ValueError("Unsupported sigma statistics value.") if sigma is not None and nsigma <= 0.0: raise ValueError("The value of sigma for clipping iterations must be " "positive.") if nclip is None: nclip = 0 else: if nclip < 0: raise ValueError("Argument 'nclip' must be non-negative.") nclip = int(nclip) if np.count_nonzero(mask) == minobj: log.warning("The number of sources for the fit is smaller than the " "minimum number of sources necessary for the requested " "'fitgeom'.") log.warning("Resetting number of clipping iterations to 0.") nclip = 0 if center is None: center_ld = uv[mask].mean(axis=0, dtype=np.longdouble) center = center_ld.astype(np.double) else: center_ld = np.longdouble(center) xy[mask] -= center_ld uv[mask] -= center_ld"Performing '{:s}' fit".format(fitgeom)) # initial fit: wmxy = None if wxy is None else wxy[mask] wmuv = None if wuv is None else wuv[mask] fit = linear_fit(xy[mask], uv[mask], wmxy, wmuv) # clipping iterations: effective_nclip = 0 for n in range(nclip): resids = fit['resids'] # redefine what pixels will be included in next iteration cutoff = nsigma * fit[sigstat] nonclipped = np.linalg.norm(resids, axis=1) < cutoff if np.count_nonzero(nonclipped) < minobj or nonclipped.all(): break effective_nclip += 1 prev_mask = mask if not clip_accum: mask = np.array(wmask) mask[prev_mask] *= nonclipped wmxy = None if wxy is None else wxy[mask] wmuv = None if wuv is None else wuv[mask] fit = linear_fit(xy[mask], uv[mask], wmxy, wmuv) fit['center'] = center fit['center_ld'] = center_ld fit['fitmask'] = mask fit['eff_nclip'] = effective_nclip return fit
def _compute_stat(fit, residuals, weights): if weights is None: fit['rmse'] = float(np.sqrt(np.mean(2 * residuals**2))) fit['mae'] = float(np.mean(np.linalg.norm(residuals, axis=1))) fit['std'] = float(np.linalg.norm(residuals.std(axis=0))) else: # assume all weights > 0 (this should be insured by the caller => no # need to repeat the check here) npts = len(weights) wt = np.sum(weights) if npts == 0 or wt == 0.0: fit['rmse'] = float('nan') fit['mae'] = float('nan') fit['std'] = float('nan') return w = weights / wt fit['rmse'] = float(np.sqrt(np.sum(, residuals**2)))) fit['mae'] = float(, np.linalg.norm(residuals, axis=1))) if npts == 1: fit['std'] = 0.0 else: # see: # wmean =, residuals) fit['std'] = float( np.sqrt(np.sum(, (residuals - wmean)**2) / (1.0 - np.sum(w**2)))) ) def fit_shifts(xy, uv, wxy=None, wuv=None): """ Fits (non-iteratively and without sigma-clipping) a displacement transformation only between input lists of positions ``xy`` and ``uv``. When weights are provided, a weighted fit is performed. Parameter descriptions and return values are identical to those in `iter_linear_fit`, except returned ``fit`` dictionary does not contain the following keys irrelevant to this function: ``'center'``, ``'fitmask'``, and ``'eff_nclip'``. """ if xy.size == 0: raise NotEnoughPointsError( "At least one point is required to find shifts." ) diff_pts = np.subtract(xy, uv, dtype=np.longdouble) if wxy is None and wuv is None: # no weighting w = None meanx = diff_pts[:, 0].mean(dtype=np.longdouble) meany = diff_pts[:, 1].mean(dtype=np.longdouble) else: if wxy is None: w = np.array(wuv, dtype=np.longdouble) elif wuv is None: w = np.array(wxy, dtype=np.longdouble) else: # 1/w = sigma**2 = sigma_xy**2 + sigma_uv**2 = 1/wxy + 1/wuv wuv = np.array(wuv, dtype=np.longdouble) wxy = np.array(wxy, dtype=np.longdouble) m = np.logical_and(wuv > 0, wxy > 0) w = np.zeros_like(wuv) w[m] = wxy[m] * wuv[m] / (wxy[m] + wuv[m]) if np.any(w < 0.0): raise ValueError("Invalid weights: weights must be non-negative.") if not np.sum(w > 0, dtype=int): raise ValueError("Not enough valid data for 'shift' fit: " "too many weights are zero!") w /= np.sum(w, dtype=np.longdouble) meanx =, diff_pts[:, 0]) meany =, diff_pts[:, 1]) p = np.array([1.0, 0.0, meanx], dtype=np.longdouble) q = np.array([0.0, 1.0, meany], dtype=np.longdouble) fit = _build_fit(p, q, 'shift') resids = diff_pts - fit['shift'] fit['resids'] = resids.astype(np.double) _compute_stat(fit, residuals=resids, weights=w) return fit # Implementation of geomap 'rscale' fitting based on 'lib/geofit.x' # by Warren Hack. Support for axis flips and for constraining scale # added by Mihai Cara. def fit_rscale(xy, uv, wxy=None, wuv=None, scale=None): """ Fits (non-iteratively and without sigma-clipping) a displacement, rotation and (optionally) scale transformations between input lists of positions ``xy`` and ``uv``. When weights are provided, a weighted fit is performed. Parameter descriptions and return values are identical to those in `iter_linear_fit`, except returned ``fit`` dictionary does not contain the following keys irrelevant to this function: ``'center'``, ``'fitmask'``, and ``'eff_nclip'``. When ``scale`` is `None` then this function will fit for the scale of the transformation. If ``scale`` is a positive number - it will be used as fixed scale constraint and it will not be fitted for. A typical usage is to set ``scale`` to `None` in order to fit for shifts, rotations *and* scale and to set ``scale`` argument to, e.g., 1 to fit for shifts and rotations only. """ if len(xy) < 2: raise NotEnoughPointsError( "At least two points are required to find shifts, rotation, and " "scale." ) if scale is None: fitgeom = 'rscale' elif scale > 0: fitgeom = 'rshift' else: raise ValueError("'scale' argument must be None or a positive number.") x = np.array(xy[:, 0], dtype=np.longdouble) y = np.array(xy[:, 1], dtype=np.longdouble) u = np.array(uv[:, 0], dtype=np.longdouble) v = np.array(uv[:, 1], dtype=np.longdouble) if wxy is None and wuv is None: # no weighting w = None xm = np.mean(x) ym = np.mean(y) um = np.mean(u) vm = np.mean(v) x -= xm y -= ym u -= um v -= vm sxv =, v) syu =, u) sxu =, u) syv =, v) if scale is None: su2 =, u) sv2 =, v) su2v2 = su2 + sv2 else: if wxy is None: w = np.array(wuv, dtype=np.longdouble) elif wuv is None: w = np.array(wxy, dtype=np.longdouble) else: # 1/w = sigma**2 = sigma_xy**2 + sigma_uv**2 = 1/wxy + 1/wuv wuv = np.array(wuv, dtype=np.longdouble) wxy = np.array(wxy, dtype=np.longdouble) m = np.logical_and(wuv > 0, wxy > 0) w = np.zeros_like(wuv) w[m] = wxy[m] * wuv[m] / (wxy[m] + wuv[m]) if np.any(w < 0.0): raise ValueError("Invalid weights: weights must be non-negative.") if np.sum(w > 0) < 2: raise ValueError(f"Not enough valid data for '{fitgeom:s}' fit: " "too many weights are zero!") w /= np.sum(w, dtype=np.longdouble) xm =, x) ym =, y) um =, u) vm =, v) x -= xm y -= ym u -= um v -= vm sxv =, x * v) syu =, y * u) sxu =, x * u) syv =, y * v) if scale is None: su2 =, u**2) sv2 =, v**2) su2v2 = su2 + sv2 det = sxu * syv - sxv * syu if det < 0: rot_num = sxv + syu rot_denom = sxu - syv else: rot_num = sxv - syu rot_denom = sxu + syv if rot_num == rot_denom: theta = 0.0 else: theta = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(rot_num, rot_denom)) if theta < 0: theta += 360.0 ctheta = np.cos(np.deg2rad(theta)) stheta = np.sin(np.deg2rad(theta)) s_num = rot_denom * ctheta + rot_num * stheta if scale is not None: mag = scale elif su2v2 > 0.0: mag = s_num / su2v2 else: raise SingularMatrixError( "Singular matrix: suspected colinear points." ) if det < 0: # "flip" y-axis (reflection about x-axis *after* rotation) # NOTE: keep in mind that 'matrix' is the transposed rotation matrix. sthetax = -mag * stheta cthetay = -mag * ctheta else: sthetax = mag * stheta cthetay = mag * ctheta cthetax = mag * ctheta sthetay = mag * stheta sdet = np.sign(det) xshift = xm - um * cthetax - sdet * vm * sthetax yshift = ym + sdet * um * sthetay - vm * cthetay p = np.array([cthetax, sthetay, xshift], dtype=np.longdouble) q = np.array([-sthetax, cthetay, yshift], dtype=np.longdouble) # Return the shift, rotation, and scale changes fit = _build_fit(p, q, fitgeom=fitgeom) resids = xy -, fit['matrix_ld'].T) - fit['shift_ld'] fit['resids'] = resids.astype(np.double) _compute_stat(fit, residuals=resids, weights=w) return fit def fit_rshift(xy, uv, wxy=None, wuv=None): """ Fits (non-iteratively and without sigma-clipping) a displacement, rotation between input lists of positions ``xy`` and ``uv``. When weights are provided, a weighted fit is performed. Parameter descriptions and return values are identical to those in `iter_linear_fit`, except returned ``fit`` dictionary does not contain the following keys irrelevant to this function: ``'center'``, ``'fitmask'``, and ``'eff_nclip'``. .. note:: This function is equivalent to calling `fit_rscale` with ``scale=1``. """ return fit_rscale(xy=xy, uv=uv, wxy=wxy, wuv=wuv, scale=1) def fit_general(xy, uv, wxy=None, wuv=None): """ Fits (non-iteratively and without sigma-clipping) a displacement, rotation, scale, and skew transformations (i.e., the full ``2x2`` transformation matrix) between input lists of positions ``xy`` and ``uv``. When weights are provided, a weighted fit is performed. Parameter descriptions and return values are identical to those in `iter_linear_fit`, except returned ``fit`` dictionary does not contain the following keys irrelevant to this function: ``'center'``, ``'fitmask'``, and ``'eff_nclip'``. """ if len(xy) < 3: raise NotEnoughPointsError( "At least three points are required to find 6-parameter linear " "affine transformations." ) x = np.array(xy[:, 0], dtype=np.longdouble) y = np.array(xy[:, 1], dtype=np.longdouble) u = np.array(uv[:, 0], dtype=np.longdouble) v = np.array(uv[:, 1], dtype=np.longdouble) if wxy is None and wuv is None: # no weighting w = None # Set up products used for computing the fit sw = float(x.size) sx = x.sum() sy = y.sum() su = u.sum() sv = v.sum() sxu =, u) syu =, u) sxv =, v) syv =, v) suu =, u) svv =, v) suv =, v) else: if wxy is None: w = np.array(wuv, dtype=np.longdouble) elif wuv is None: w = np.array(wxy, dtype=np.longdouble) else: # 1/w = sigma**2 = sigma_xy**2 + sigma_uv**2 = 1/wxy + 1/wuv wuv = np.array(wuv, dtype=np.longdouble) wxy = np.array(wxy, dtype=np.longdouble) m = np.logical_and(wuv > 0, wxy > 0) w = np.zeros_like(wuv) w[m] = wxy[m] * wuv[m] / (wxy[m] + wuv[m]) if np.any(w < 0.0): raise ValueError("Invalid weights: weights must be non-negative.") if np.sum(w > 0) < 3: raise ValueError("Not enough valid data for 'general' fit: " "too many weights are zero!") # Set up products used for computing the fit sw = np.sum(w, dtype=np.longdouble) sx =, x) sy =, y) su =, u) sv =, v) sxu =, x * u) syu =, y * u) sxv =, x * v) syv =, y * v) suu =, u * u) svv =, v * v) suv =, u * v) m = np.array([[su, sv, sw], [suu, suv, su], [suv, svv, sv]], dtype=np.longdouble) a = np.array([sx, sxu, sxv], dtype=np.longdouble) b = np.array([sy, syu, syv], dtype=np.longdouble) try: inv_m = inv(m) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: raise SingularMatrixError( "Singular matrix: suspected colinear points." ) p =, a) q =, b) if not (np.all(np.isfinite(p)) and np.all(np.isfinite(q))): raise SingularMatrixError( "Singular matrix: suspected colinear points." ) # pragma: no cover # Return the shift, rotation, and scale changes fit = _build_fit(p, q, 'general') resids = xy -, fit['matrix_ld'].T) - fit['shift_ld'] fit['resids'] = resids.astype(np.double) _compute_stat(fit, residuals=resids, weights=w) return fit def _build_fit(p, q, fitgeom): # Build fit matrix: fit_matrix = np.vstack((p[:2], q[:2])) # determinant of the transformation det = p[0] * q[1] - p[1] * q[0] sdet = np.sign(det) proper = sdet >= 0 # Create a working copy (no reflections) for computing transformation # parameters (scale, rotation angle, skew): wfit = fit_matrix.copy() # Skew is zero for all fitgeom except 'general': skew = 0.0 if fitgeom == 'shift': fit = { 'shift': np.array([p[2], q[2]], dtype=np.double), 'shift_ld': np.array([p[2], q[2]], dtype=np.longdouble), 'matrix': np.array(fit_matrix, dtype=np.double), 'matrix_ld': np.array(fit_matrix, dtype=np.longdouble), 'proper_rot': 0.0, 'rot': (0.0, 0.0), '<rot>': 0.0, 'scale': (1.0, 1.0), '<scale>': 1.0, 'skew': 0.0, 'proper': proper, 'fitgeom': 'shift' } return fit # Compute average scale: s = np.sqrt(np.abs(det)) # Compute scales for each axis: if fitgeom == 'general': sx, sy = np.sqrt(p[:2]**2 + q[:2]**2) else: sx = s sy = s # Remove scale from the transformation matrix: wfit[:, 0] /= sx wfit[:, 1] /= sy # Compute rotation angle as if we have a proper rotation. # This will also act as *some sort* of "average rotation" even for # transformations with different rot_x and rot_y: prop_rot = np.rad2deg( np.arctan2(wfit[0, 1] - sdet * wfit[1, 0], wfit[0, 0] + sdet * wfit[1, 1]) ) if proper and fitgeom in ['rshift', 'rscale']: rotx = prop_rot roty = prop_rot rot = prop_rot else: rotx = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(-wfit[1, 0], wfit[0, 0])) roty = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(wfit[0, 1], wfit[1, 1])) rot = 0.5 * (rotx + roty) skew = np.mod(roty - rotx - 180.0, 360.0) - 180.0 fit = { 'shift': np.array([p[2], q[2]], dtype=np.double), 'shift_ld': np.array([p[2], q[2]], dtype=np.longdouble), 'matrix': np.array(fit_matrix, dtype=np.double), 'matrix_ld': np.array(fit_matrix, dtype=np.longdouble), 'proper_rot': float(prop_rot), 'rot': (float(rotx), float(roty)), '<rot>': float(rot), 'scale': (float(sx), float(sy)), '<scale>': float(s), 'skew': float(skew), 'proper': proper, 'fitgeom': fitgeom } return fit
[docs] def build_fit_matrix(rot, scale=1): r""" Create an affine transformation matrix (2x2) from the provided rotation angle(s) and scale(s): .. math:: M = \begin{bmatrix} s_x \cos(\theta_x) & s_y \sin(\theta_y) \\ -s_x \sin(\theta_x) & s_y \cos(\theta_y) \end{bmatrix} Parameters ---------- rot: tuple, float, optional Rotation angle in degrees. Two values (one for each axis) can be provided as a tuple. scale: tuple, float, optional Scale of the liniar transformation. Two values (one for each axis) can be provided as a tuple. Returns ------- matrix: numpy.ndarray A 2x2 `numpy.ndarray` containing coefficients of a liniear transformation. """ if hasattr(rot, '__iter__'): rx, ry = map(np.deg2rad, rot) else: rx = ry = np.deg2rad(float(rot)) if hasattr(scale, '__iter__'): sx, sy = scale else: sx = sy = float(scale) matrix = np.array([[sx * np.cos(rx), sy * np.sin(ry)], [-sx * np.sin(rx), sy * np.cos(ry)]]) return matrix
class _LevMarLSQFitter2x2(LevMarLSQFitter): """ Performs fits of 2D vector-models to 2D reference points. """ def objective_function(self, fps, *args): model, weights, inputs, meas = args fitter_to_model_params(model, fps) if weights is None: return np.ravel(np.subtract(model(*inputs), meas)) else: return np.ravel(weights * np.subtract(model(*inputs), meas))